Children today spend more time staring at computer and TV screens both at school and home. Scientific studies show an epidemic of myopia (also known as nearsightedness) has struck children – and it is spreading fast in many countries. Doctors warn that sitting too close to a computer, especially fixing your eyes at a computer or TV screen from close range, increases the risk of myopia.

The cause of myopia is difficult to explain in simple terms. While some say sitting near computers and TV screens is one of the reasons, others say children born to nearsighted parent/parents are more vulnerable. But there are particular instances that are closely related to the development of child myopia other than environmental factors and they involve heredity.

Also the genetic pattern of parents who have developed myopia could somehow be transmitted to their children or even down to their descendant. Myopia in children is also referred to as infantile myopia. This occurs when a child has the complications of the disease even when still inside his mother’s womb and it persists until his childhood years.

Children suffering from myopia have trouble seeing distant objects clearly. The eyeball is thought to become longer, because of which less effort is needed to see up close. But the elongated eye can no longer focus on distant objects.

Symptoms of myopia are usually noticed in early childhood. Myopic children may hold books very close to their face or may not be able to read the writing on the blackboard in school. They may squint and complain of headaches and eyestrain.

For better eyesight, doctors suggest to limit the hours of screen time and encourage having sufficient eye resting time.

Indoors and outdoors sports activities both make the eyes focus on more distant objects, which prevents the eye from changing shape. But outdoor activities may help escape myopia more significantly than indoor sports activities.

Many ophthalmologists recommend that every child get its first eye test done when he/she is about two and half years old, and even if his/her vision seems perfect.

It is necessary for myopic children to wear glasses to prevent headache, trouble reading or injuries. It is also important that schools invite specialists to test their students’ eyes.

If that is not possible, school authorities should at least encourage parents and children to have regular eye checkups and wear glasses as prescribed. And parents should remember not only to limit the total screen time for their children, but also to encourage them to spend time outdoors.

Types of Myopia in Toddlers

Myopia in children is a serious condition that needs complete attention. The complications of this early-age myopia could get worse if not attended and ignored. In order to get enough attention to this type of myopia, it is a must to know the other forms or type of the condition.

The following are two types of myopia children:

  • Congenital myopia or infantile myopia
  • School myopia

Treatments of Myopia in Kids

Children suffering from this serious type of disease could wear eyeglasses and/or contact lenses to correct the irregularities. On the other hand, wearing of contact lenses for the correction of myopia children needs supervision of parents so that the condition of their children would not get worse. It is expected to get worse when contact lenses are worn incorrectly even with adults.


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