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Fact #1


Did you know that when you sneeze,thus high pressure in the upper part of the sinuses which gets 170 km/h, if you don’t close your eyes you may lose them?!

When your brain receives the signal to sneeze it also signals your eyes to close. You can’t keep them open, it’s an involuntary action.

Fact #2


Blepharitis is a slow-moving bomb in your body. It is an infectious disease that damages the site from which the eyelids come in the eyes of the eyes and is more difficult to treat. The illness suffers as your exterior appearance, as well as the functional side of the body, but with more eyes.
Blepharitis appears with very clear signs that cause suffering and lowers the quality of life: itching, redness, damage to the caps, damaging the eyesight, eyelashes, increased secretions, watering, ulcers.

Fact #3


Did you know that when a human sleeps on one side in the case of glaucoma patients, he can lower his eyesight?

Sleep in one one side may be due to increased asymmetric eye tension and worsening of the viewing area in glaucoma patients.

Fact #4


Do you know that heart medications can protect you from blindness, which is caused by diabetes in the eye?!

Relevant research has concluded that heart preparations that were produced for the treatment of cardio-vascular diseases have a potential ability to reduce eye blindness related cases.

Uzllova Clinic. Developed by iNSmart Code